To know at an early age, being an offspring, that your floral vocation will be your professional future, that your passion for plants and flowers will accompany you for life and, what is better: to take root in the profession to dedicate yourself in body and soul to what you enjoy most, in my case: the florist.

I started when I was 15, as I was saying at first, being a sprout. And I grew up and developed. My life began to make sense from the very moment I saw myself surrounded by Green, the Green of my plants, and the infinite range of colors of working in a florist. Colors of purity, of joy, of mixed feelings and sharpened with the senses.

Because plants talk to us, we just have to listen to them. They speak to us with their touch in the yolks of our fingers: caressing them we know if they are soft or withered; with our eyes, we see them in their fullness or decrepit; their aroma evokes a joy for life or how it escapes them. Some have even incorporated them in their diet, of design, original, with excellent taste, with aesthetic and nutritional criteria; but only the most acute, only the most sensitive, only those who have dedicated an entire life and we would dedicate another hundred lives, we listen to them. We hear their joy in feeling in good hands; we look to their cocoons squirm when we speak of them, we understand how the stem points a thorn and it grows not to hurt, but to protect itself, we hear them. And if we don’t listen to them, we do know that they speak to us, with the rest of the senses: with smells, with colors, with flavors, and with their caresses.

So will my blog.

Passionate and sensitive. Exciting and sensory, like the plants themselves, like my flowers, which are your flowers, because if I believe with them, it is for you to recreate and enjoy them.

A blog where we’ll talk about seasonal flowers: we will talk about how to preserve them and give them life; we will talk about colors and smells, individual flowers, bouquets, centers and what occasion each of them serves.

A blog for you to enjoy and make me enjoy because the satisfaction of each one of you is my happiness. A happiness that I will try to convey to you with my words on this blog. A pleasure that I know I have already shared with more than one passionate and passionate about flowers, in the florist Las Camelias, where you can find me. A blog to keep you informed and share with you this my passion that is flowers.

I am a flower passionate, and in this blog, a world of flowers, you will meet me and recognize the work of a team that makes it possible to materialize so many dreams. You’ll meet the camellias and know how much we can do for and for you, but always with flowers.